Understanding Retirement
Retirement is the only stage of life for which we literally get no training. This was fine fifty years ago when people retired at age sixty-five and lived, on average, for only five more years. But today's Baby Boomers are retiring in their mid-fifties, and with the help of medical science and a healthy lifestyle, many can expect to live an additional twenty-five years. That's a stretch of time equal to most people's working lives.
To find happiness in retirement, retirees need to first understand and define what retirement will be for them. Although retirement may seem like a time for retrospection, leisure and stability, it’s mostly a time for redefining oneself, and for most people there is an increase in the number and significance of life events and transitions; challenges they've yet to face.
You'd think that the wisdom gained throughout one's life up to retirement would help them manage the transitions they face later in life. It doesn't. In fact, these transitions later in life are more difficult to deal with because our brains work more on what we've experienced, not what we've yet to experience. Wisdom would also suggest retirees plan ahead for these transitions; but most don't.

How We Help Retirees
At Frank Allen Financial Group Inc. our role is to help you Maximize your Retirement Income today and Maximize your Legacy for tomorrow! We help Retirees in a few key areas including:
Using the Building Retirement Bridges Process, we act as a "Financial Legacy Coach" to Maximize Incomes today and Maximize Legacies tomorrow.
We have also learned that as one approaches "Senescence", issues of Control and Legacy are in both the conscious and unconscious mind as one reflects back on ones life and its meaning. The issue of Legacy becomes more important as one realizes that there will usually be "something left over when its all over" to help children, grandchildren or charities.
In working with Seniors for over 30 years – through high interest rates and low interest rates, through bull stock markets and bear stock markets –, we have learned that a steady stream of income from both personal and government pensions and personal investments, is of utmost importance to ones mental and physical well being. We work to protect and preserve your wealth. And when it comes to investing for Retirement, we believe that "Boring Works". We also help you know which assets to utilize first for your income needs.
"We can't make you rich, but we can help to keep you from being poor. We are here to help you to enjoy life and sleep better at night."
Issues Retirees Faces
We pride ourselves in asking the RIGHT questions. Here are just a few questions we ask our clients:
- What's important about money to you?
- How do you protect your family and your life from the unexpected?
- How will you manage the transition from career to retirement?
- What do you want your ‘retirement’ to be for you?
- How can you help ensure your parents age with dignity and comfort?
- How will you ensure you don't outlive your money?
- Do you know which assets to utilize first?
- What ‘legacy’ do you want to leave your loved ones? Your community?